Ayshan Babayeva


Abstract. The article talks about the preparation of older preschool children for school education. The basis of the article is the personality formation of 5-6 years old children during their preparation for school education. It is noted that in the formation of children`s personality, communication with their peers and elders plays an important role in their preparation for school education. The factors that influence the child the most: his parents, siblings, friends and other means of influence prepare the child for school. The article shows that voluntary effort, debt, responsibilty and other feelings in children play an important role in their psychological preparation for school. The main content of the article is that the interaction and behaviour of adults and parents with children play an important role in their psychological preparation. Examplary behaviour of adults, mutual relations and work have a great role. In this direction, it is his close friends who influence the child the most. Children tend to imitate adults more, tending to the actions and objects that they tend to. Who ever treats them kindly, they treat those people kindly towards society and their social life.

Keywords: school preparation, parent, school, preschool age, psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection, child personality.

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