Publishing ethics

Ethics of scientific publications is a system of norms of professional behavior in the relationship between authors, reviewers, editors, publishers and readers in the process of creation, dissemination and use of scientific publications. Preschool and primary journal's publishing ethics policy is based on the recommendations and standards of the Publishing Ethics Committee.

Ethical guidelines for publishers
During its existence, the publisher is responsible for the publication of copyrighted works, which requires compliance with the following fundamental principles and procedures:
· Encourage the performance of ethical duties by the editorial staff, editorial and publishing team, editorial staff, co-rapporteurs and authors in accordance with these requirements.
· Support the journal's editorial staff in reviewing claims about the ethical nature of the material published, and assist in liaising with other journals or publishers if this facilitates the performance of the editors' duties.
· To ensure the confidentiality of the publication received from the authors and any information before publication.
· Understand that the journal is not a commercial project and is not intended to make a profit.
· Always be ready to publish corrections, clarifications, rebuttals and apologies if necessary.
To allow the editorial staff to reject materials containing plagiarism and inaccurate information.
If the preparation of the manuscript violates the rules adopted in this journal and agreed with the Publishing House, the publisher (editor) has the right to reject the manuscript or demand that the author complete it.
· If an article is accepted for publication, it must be made public and copyrighted.
· If the author provides such information in the article, post information about the financial support of the research.
· In case of any content, grammatical, stylistic or other errors, the editorial staff takes all measures to eliminate them.
· Link the editorial evidence presented in the article to the author.
Do not delay the publication of the journal.
Ethical rules for the author of a scientific publication
When submitting material to the scientific journal "Preschool and Primary Education", the author (or group of authors) understands that he is primarily responsible for the novelty and reliability of the results of scientific research, which implies the following principles:
· Authors of articles must provide reliable research results. Statements that are known to be false or false are unacceptable.
· The authors must ensure that the results of the research described in the submitted manuscript are completely original. Excerpts or expressions must indicate the author and the original source. It is unethical and unacceptable to plague in any form, including undocumented quotations, paraphrasing or giving rights to the results of other people's research. The existence of other opinions without reference will be considered plagiarism by the editorial board.
· Authors are obliged to provide only original facts and information in the manuscript; provide sufficient information to verify and replicate the experiences of other researchers; not to use the obtained information without the express written permission; prevents falsification and falsification of information.
· Do not allow duplication of the publication (In the Author's Questionnaire, the author must indicate that the work was published for the first time). If individual elements of the manuscript have been published in advance, the author must refer to previous works and point out the differences between the new work and the previous one.
· Authors should not submit a manuscript sent for publication to another journal or approved for publication, as well as an article previously published in another journal.
· It is necessary to recognize the contribution of all those who to some extent influence the course of the research, in particular, the article should contain references to works that are important for the research.
· Authors must adhere to ethical standards when criticizing or commenting on third-party research.
· The co-authors of the article are obliged to indicate all the people who made a significant contribution to the research.
· Authors should respect the work of the editorial staff and reviewers and follow the opinions of reviewers or disclose them.
· Authors are obliged to submit and prepare the manuscript in accordance with the rules adopted in the journal.
· If the author finds significant errors or inaccuracies during the review of the article or after its publication, he must immediately inform the editorial staff.
 · Authors must provide proof of the authenticity of the original article to the editorial board or publisher, or correct significant errors when the editorial board or publisher becomes aware of it from third parties.

Ethical guidelines for reviewers
The reviewer provides a scientific examination of the copyrighted material, so his actions must be impartial and based on the following principles:
· Material sent to the opinion is considered confidential, therefore it cannot be submitted to third parties for consideration or discussion without the permission of the editorial office.
· Reviewers should be aware that the submitted manuscripts are the intellectual property of the authors and that the information they carry is information that cannot be shared. Confidentiality is only possible if a reviewer decides that the information in the article is invalid or falsified.
· The reviewer should draw the attention of the editor-in-chief to the fact that the manuscript he is reviewing is substantially or partially similar to any other work, as well as to the fact that other works of this or that author do not refer to previously published provisions, conclusions and evidence.
· The reviewer is obliged to mark the relevant articles not specified in the article (in the article).
· The reviewer is obliged to give an objective and reasonable assessment of the results of the study and make accurate, substantiated recommendations. Personal criticism of the author by the reviewer is unacceptable.
· Reviewer's opinions should be objective and well-founded, aimed at increasing the scientific level of the manuscript.
· The reviewer is obliged to make a decision based on concrete facts and testify to the decision. Reviewers may not make copies of the manuscripts for their own use.
· Reviewers may not benefit from the knowledge arising from the content of the work prior to publication.
· If, in the opinion of the reviewer, he is not qualified or objective enough to evaluate the manuscript, for example, if there is a conflict of interest with the author or organization, he should inform the editor at his own request and be excluded from the review process.
· Review of the article is confidential. Only the executive secretary and the editor-in-chief of the journal should know the full name of the reviewer. Dissemination of this information is prohibited.

Ethical guidelines for the editor-in-chief
During his term of office, the editor-in-chief is responsible for the publication of copyrighted works, which requires the application of the following fundamental principles:
· When deciding on a publication, the editor-in-chief of a scientific journal is guided by the reliability of the information provided and the scientific significance of the case.
· The editor-in-chief must evaluate the intellectual content of the manuscripts, regardless of the authors' race, sex, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, origin, citizenship, social status and political preferences.
· Unpublished information obtained from manuscripts submitted for review should not be used for personal purposes and should not be passed on to third parties without the written consent of the author. Information or opinions obtained during editing should be kept confidential and should not be used for personal gain.
 Editor-in-chief during his activity:
- must constantly improve the journal;
- adhere to the principle of freedom of expression;
- try to meet the needs of readers and authors of the journal;
- exclude the influence of business interests or the policy of deciding on the publication of materials;
- decide on the publication of materials, taking into account the following main criteria: the relevance of the manuscript to the subject of the journal; relevance, scientific novelty and scientific significance of the submitted article; clarity of material submission; reliability of results and integrity of results. The quality and relevance of the research is the basis for the decision to publish it;
- to take all reasonable measures to ensure the high quality of disseminated materials and to protect the confidentiality of personal information;
- take into account the recommendations of reviewers when making a final decision on the publication of the article. The decision to publish is entirely the responsibility of the journal's editors;
- substantiate the decision to accept or reject the article;
- to give the author of the considered material the opportunity to substantiate the research position;
- When the composition of the editorial staff is changed, the previous decisions of one of them regarding the publication of the material are not revoked.
· The editor-in-chief is obliged not to allow the publication of information if there are sufficient grounds to believe that it is plagiarism.
· The editor-in-chief, together with the publisher, must not leave unanswered allegations of manuscripts or published material, and must take all necessary measures to restore violated rights in the event of a conflict.

Ethical rules for publishing articles
· Compliance with the rules of ethical conduct of the editorial staff
· Compliance with article rejection rules.
· Protecting the integrity of academic writing.
· Prevention of damage to intellectual and ethical standards in the presence of commercial interests.
· Be prepared to publish corrections, clarifications, rejections and apologies if necessary.
· Prevention of plagiarism and false information.