Abstract. The socio-economic processes taking place in our modern society make us think about the future of Azerbaijan, and the behavioral culture of its children, adolescents, and young people. The reasons that make the problem of shaping the cultural behavior of children in the family more urgent are the following: our society needs broad, educated, highly moral people who have not only knowledge but also a good culture of behavior. In order for the dynamic development of Azerbaijan, the education system should train specialists with a high general level of culture and deep professional knowledge in their chosen field. Therefore, to explain the essence and content of their behavioral culture, and to form their cultural behavior on the basis of this. It is the task of training young people with a high behavioral culture, who are able to freely evaluate the events happening in front of the general education institutions, to organize their activities in accordance with the interests of the people around them. The solution of this task is related to the formation of the behavioral culture of young people. In the article,such important social problems are involved in the study.
Keywords: cultural behavior, custom, family, education, attitude, morality, self-awareness.