Farrukh Abbasoglu, Sevinj Rustamova


Abstract. The article mentions that at the beginning of the 19th century, Tsarist Russia occupied the territory of the Iravan and Nakhchivan khanates. An Armenian province was created on the territory of the khanates. On June 9, 1849, an independent Iravan governorate was established. Nakhchivan District was included in Iravan Governorate. Many secular elementary schools were established in Nakhchivan, but there was a lack of teachers who could teach in those schools. In general, the Iravan Teachers' Seminary was opened in 1881 with the aim of providing primary schools with teachers in Iravan governorate. The seminary played an important role in the development of education and enlightenment not only in the Iravan governorate but also in the South Caucasus in general. From 1881–1918, it completed its mission in the field of training new generation teachers with honor. The article provides information about the pedagogical activities of some of the Nakhchivan graduates of the seminary.

Keywords: Iravan seminary, Iravan governorate, Nakhchivan district, development of education in the South Caucasus, education, teaching staf

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