Fatmakhanum Bunyatova


Abstract. Language, as a tool for understanding the world, is an indicator of the level of education. Transferred to our native language, as and all languages, the secret contains in itself all the grammatical rules and speaking in the native language, we build our speech, using these hidden rules. When teaching in the native language, the hidden knowledge of students is not taken into account by the authors of language programs, nor by teachers, who teach these programs by students. Instead, so that students rely on knowledge and experience to develop these knowledge and bring it into grammatical terms, rules, the teacher teaches them these rules and exercises a number of tasks to apply the rules. In turn, program knowledge, built on the principle of continuity of parts, leads students to the whole knowledge of the year of training. This creates a large gap between the units of knowledge, which have their own internal logical relations. Such a staging of training contradicts the natural development of students’ thinking, as well as the natural development of language. For the creation of programs that will develop intellectual intelligence, it is necessary to build a model of the Russian language based on the theory of intellectual development J. Piaje.

Keywords: natural intelligence, natural language, psycholinguodidactics, J. Piaje, intellect, model program, SMART software, FGOS, constructs.

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