Sharafat Bakhishova


Annotation. The article talks about the reformation of the activity program of preschool educational institutions in modern times. It is noted that this is made possible by a complex of economic, socio-cultural, normative and legal documents. In this regard, it is necessary to create a teaching program that includes innovations in this field within the management system of educational institutions. As the environment and time change, making fundamental changes in the content of preschool education is the demand of the time. The purpose of modern pedagogical technologies and innovations applied to the preschool education system is to stimulate the intellectual and general development of children. In order to form the logical creative thin king and communication culture in the modern young generation, we need to refine the purpose of the new methods and technologies we use to prepare them for practical activities, based on our classical pedagogical heritage, and there by create conditions for the development of a perfect person, an active citizen.

Keywords: preschool children, preschool period, a pedagogical process, mental and intellectual development, personality, quality improvement, tools.

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