Instructions for Authors
•The submitted article must be original and not previously published in any publication.
•The content and structure of the article should consist of the following sections:
— Statement of the problem (the issue that the article seeks to address);
— Analysis of existing methodological approaches to solving the problem;
— Research section;
— System of evidence and scientific substantiation;
— Results of the research;
— References.
•The article 8-10 pages long and formatted in Times New Roman font (12- point, 1.15 line spacing).
•The first page of the article (in both Azerbaijani and English) should include the following information:
— author's name and surname;
— brief information about the author (academic degree, position, workplace, email address);
— the title of the article;
— abstract of the article (maximum 100 words);
— keywords (5-8 words).
The title of the article should be written in all caps, and subheadings should be written in bold italics with only the first letter capitalized. One line of space should be left before and after headings and subheadings, as well as before and after tables and figures (including equations and formulas). Pages should be numbered consecutively in the bottom right corner.
Tables and figures must have titles, with titles for tables placed above the table in the left corner and titles for figures placed below the figure in the left corner. Both tables and figures should be numbered consecutively.
• The list of references at the end of the article should be alphabetically arranged (first in Azerbaijani, then in a foreign language) in APA Citation format based on the following examples:
1. a) References to books:
Aliyev, F. A., & Agayev, Sh. S. (2011). Problems and development perspectives of science in Azerbaijan. Baku, Science Publishing, 151 p.
1. b) References to journals:
Mikayilli B. (2023). Teacher certification: The experience of the United States. "Journal of Preschool and Primary Education," No. 3, p. 9-23.
1. c) References to websites:
UNESCO. (2013). World Heritage List.
•Manuscripts are accepted in Microsoft Word format.
•Submitted articles are reviewed by the editorial board and then sent to experts for review (with the author's name kept confidential). If the article is in line with the journal's profile and meets the requirements, it is submitted for publication. Upon request, the author can be provided with a document confirming the acceptance of his or her article. Articles are published on a first-come, first-served basis.
• References used in the article should prioritize scientific articles, monographs, and other reliable sources from the last 5-10 years.
Articles published in the journal are protected by copyright, and all publication rights for these articles belong to the "Preschool and Primary Education" journal. The publication of articles published in the journal in other publications (with the exception of the article's thesis version) is allowed only with the written permission of the editorial board and with the indication of the source for citations. The submission of manuscripts that have been previously published or sent to another periodical for publication is contrary to the author's ethics.
Articles that do not meet the above requirements are not accepted. The author is entitled to receive one copy of the journal for the published article.